Co-working Spaces Cost Vs. Office Rent

Co-working Spaces Cost Vs. Office Rent

When you wish to start working but do not know where to work, it can be difficult to find the right place. It can be a tedious job to choose between a co-working space and an office since both have their pros and cons. However, you can always consider the budget first in order to decide what you want to go for.

We are here to help you compare the cost of co-working spaces and office rent. If you think that affordability factor can help you out, keep reading the article.

The role that location plays

Co-Working Space

There is not any involvement of a broker or a dealer while looking for a co-working space, unlike office, that requires both time and money to find the right location. It is needless to say that co-working spaces are better in this case.

Details of the costs involved in choosing

In the case of an office that you possess, you need to pay for rents and deposits that may differ from time to time. In addition, the initial investment is high. However, in the case of co-working spaces, you will get a place that is ready to be worked at. Therefore, you are likely to save a lot of maintenance cost.

Similarly is involved the interior cost in office. In contrast, no vendor coordination is involved in co-working spaces, and interior designing is already done before you enter the place. For an office, you will have to go through cleaning, electric fittings, plumbing, furniture, whitewash and more.

Printing Costs

In a co-working space, all you have to pay for is the black and white or colored printout you get. However, in an office, the costs will include buying the printer, its maintenance, sheets, printout, and ink. Also, the quality of the printouts may differ since the setup in co-working spaces is for a larger number of people.

Sanitation Costs

Co-Working Space

In an office, the sanitation costs differ now and then. In the case of co-working space, for instance, many people use the same washroom, which is why it is taken care of and is cleaned. However, in an office, things become messy, since you will have to keep a check on everything, including washroom services.

Prominence of Security

Costs are involved in security at both the shared workplace and an office. When it comes to a shared workplace, maintenance of CCTV cameras, employment of security guards, etc. will be at your service. However, in the case of an office, you will have to spend on night watchman, security man, CCTV cameras, etc.

Cost of Internet

Providing internet services at your own office will be costlier as compared to the costs at a shared workplace. You may sometimes also face problems with LAN. In contradiction to this, at co-working spaces, the internet connection has a backup system so that everyone can enjoy a hassle-free connection. You will be provided with stable and better internet connection services. Furthermore, you can save the initial costs involved in the installation of an internet connection.

No matter how easy or difficult it seems to be, deciding between a shared workplace and an office is not a tedious job. On one hand, in an office, you get privacy. On the other, you get a variety of ideas and a lot of motivation in a shared workplace. When you are not sure about which one to choose, look for the budget ranges. An office of your own will require maintenance and initial costs, unlike a shared workplace. Therefore, opting for a co-working space will save you a lot of money.