Google’s Search Analytics
Google’s Search Analytics

The new Google’s Search Analytics tool has major advantages in four sections:

  1. The data that has been utilized in their reports is now more dependable and accurate as many changes have been implemented into the tool. Consistency is key here and impressions are only reported out one domain at a time.
  2. Multiple filters can now be combined and used in order to section off traffic analytics that they need and nothing more. This is great to easily observe and comprehend the traffic data they require.
  3. Users can now experience are more user-friendly report display and operation. URL filters are now just one of the many changes available to study.
  4. Impressions for specific queries are also now available, displaying how well you have ranked and how many people have clicked into your website. You used to have to pay hundreds (even thousands) of dollars to achieve this in the past.

Use this fantastic new tool in all of your search engine optimization endeavors! Here are a few examples to get you going:

1. Optimized Mobile Experiences

Now that mobile devices are the most popular method of accessing online content, this should make you stand to attention. You can access a large range of performance data through many devices and this includes tablets.

2. Search Type Comparison

You can now also filter some results you need to observe through specific searches. This is great because you can find out what people type to reach your website and see if it is in line with the rest of your marketing approach. SEO greatness is within your grasp now that this has been implemented and you can save a whole heap of time not having to filter through a wad of unwanted results.

3. Segment Chronologically

Gain access to a myriad of performance and SEO data from dedicated time periods. You can use this to measure how your week to week performance is and if you need to add any tweaks to improve numbers on certain days. You can also measure the results of before and after for special launches or promotions that you have carried out. This one truly is a godsend for SEO marketers!

5. Different Locales and Different Opportunities

You can now access a filter titled ‘Countries’ which allows you to observe all of your international data and how you are performing across the seas. You can find a whole host of information on what people are looking for overseas and fill that niche! For same language countries, this is even better as the language barrier is already crossed. Get the advantage on all your competitors and utilize this tool today!

6.Measure the Value of Your Brand

CTR is able to be separated from branded and non-branded search results, which can detail how the two represent your company. This can show you whether you need to up your organic traffic or paid traffic with different marketing tactics and can help immensely when planning your campaign.

In Conclusion

If you are an SEO expert, you are going to love how much power lies in your hands now, and you can thank it all to Google. Google consistently looks at the content and quality of millions of websites and will always find ways to make this an easier process. As a result, we will all benefit from it and save a lot of money in the meantime. Don’t resort back to the old ways that have been disapproved by Google or suffer the penalties and consequences. Concentrate on producing some great content and go for some high quality websites, over quantity.