Want to Build Links Through Content Marketing?

Digital marketing analytics

Read on for 11 Great Methods that should be implemented to build links through content marketing –

1. Engage With Influencers in Your Field

If you are blogging and providing content marketing in your field then you should already have a good understanding of who the influencers are. Any blogger, analyst, or journalist in your field that actually has a modicum of power to enable people to buy, are the ones you should be engaging with. If you get in touch with them, engage with their content, and get to know them, you could find your links being promoted by them also!

2. Start Guest Blogging

So much for the whole ‘guest blogging is dead’ fiasco, apparently it isn’t quite as dead as Google would have you think. It is still one of the most effective and handy methods to secure some links back to your website/business. Just make sure they are quality links otherwise Google will penalize you (in other words, don’t spam people okay?).

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3. Secure Some Interviews

Now this doesn’t mean go out there and get interviewed for jobs, no more relating to industry interviews. It’s a great method if you are looking to drastically increase your traffic and conversions and comes with a whole host of beneficial advantages with it. Some benefits are that you get to build a relationship with an influencer or expert and also the fact that you’ll manage to score some links back to your website afterwards!

4.   Round Up All the Experts

Creating an expert round up allows you to not only get all the influencers and experts in one place but you also get an amazing amount of extra exposure to all of your experts’ audiences. You will manage to secure some fantastic backlinks, from either the roundup’s connections and/or the experts themselves.

5. Create Free Guides

While infographics, videos, statistics and graphs, images and the like are all fantastic to include into your blogs and content marketing, guides are the absolute cream of the crop. They automatically establish you as an authority and expert on your chosen field and also assist viewers with things they needed, possibly granting you a subscriber in the process.


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  1. Create Infographics

Infographics are the next best thing when it comes to content marketing. While not as good as guides, infographics are absorbed just as often and just as dearly. Visual and image content is always popular amongst content marketing and while the market may be saturated by it, don’t ever devalue their strength to your marketing campaign.

7. Try to Become Directory Listed

This one is pretty self-explanatory. In order to be found, you must submit your website to a bunch of different directories and then you will find your visibility increase. It’s an easy step to do which takes minimal time but it is not an amazingly effective way to build up traffic.

8. Keep Engaging With Your Community

If you are a blogger or business website then you will understand, without a doubt, the value of keeping your community engaged with your business. You need to continuously keep your community happy, focused on you, and feeling genuine. You need to do more than just reply to some comments though, as competitions, questionnaires and more are all there for implementation. By making our audience feel special, they will continue to support your blog, website or business. When they feel this way, you will see your traffic and link shares increase drastically!

9. Fix Your Broken Links

This is a really old method to increase your back links but it is nonetheless a good one to utilize. Basically, if you find a dead link on any influencer or experts website, let them know about it and ask if you can replace it with a backlink to your website. The owner may be very happy for the spot and will gladly put you in. It is a monotonous and long process, which is why it is usually abandoned by most bloggers, but with certain programs, like DomainHunter, you can do this relatively easy (and with more time to spare).


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10. Always Utilise Free Exposure/Press

When it comes to press releases, Google is usually very strict in the fact that it has to be an actual press release and not just a tool to try and score a whole heap of links. Having said that, if you don’t make it full of spam, press releases can work very well in your favour. Just make sure that there is no rich amount of keywords or links in the release and you should be good to go!

11.Join a Team or Get a Partner

There are times when you can join a team of likeminded individuals or just have one other partner in order to exchange links with each other and gain the advantage of both your connections. Just make sure not to abuse the system as Google will come down on you, and hard. They are not happy with people trying to spam, link exchange for the sake of it and other such activities.

If you do all of these in the safest and most professional way possible, then you will see some success begin after a little while. Keep up the hard work and you will see your success increase even more!

When it comes to link building through partnerships, we often think of reciprocal linking. This means that two parties exchange links. Naturally, this was abused and Google cracked down on excessive link exchanges. If you’re not using reciprocal linking to manipulate rankings, then this is an effective way in obtaining links. Even Matt Cutts has stated that trading links is natural. Just remember, exchanging links should be about establishing relationships and providing value for each other.