Dumb’s Guide to Learn Marketing!

Guide to Marketing

Want to Become a Great Marketer? Do you want to learn marketing? Follow These 6 Unknown Secrets about Your Brain! This is the best guide to learn marketing. Your brain is the ultimate super computer. Utilizing it and understanding how it works is one of the best ways to become better at everything; including marketing.

There are some brand new studies that are being carried out by various researchers and scientists in an attempt to understand how our base preferences affect our very decisions and the choice we make. It may surprise you to know that there is now a new field being processed and looked into, called Neuromarketing. This is when “the systematic collection and interpretation of neurological and neuro-physiological insights about individuals using different protocols, allowing researchers to explore nonverbal and unconscious physiological responses to various stimuli for the purposes of market research.” (Neuromarketing Science & Business Association).

For those of you who really didn’t understand all of that up above, neuromarketing is basically how our behavior is directly related to how our brains work in conjunction to seeing some piece of marketing content. This happens both consciously AND unconsciously.

Marketing works in two ways, at least as far as our brains are concerned. It responds to our cognitive bias in a positive or negative way. When our brains are interpreting different images and pieces of information, we can actually locate our many different predispositions and how they can work in relation to marketing tactics. Understanding what makes our brain pay attention and retain information is the key to successful marketing!

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Here are your 6 secrets to learn marketing – 
  1. Our conscious and logical/rational mind is not the part of our brain that is in control, unfortunately. No, this part belongs to our amygdala and works at such a fast level we usually just react. Our ‘gut feeling’ and reactions usually take no more than 3 seconds to feel the impulse and are longer lasting memories than logical interpretations.

This means that when you are marketing, give people that ‘gut feeling’ and try to appeal to their reactionary part of the brain. When it comes to the topic of email marketing, pay special attention to your subject and pre header line. This is the first bit of information people see so make sure you speak to them and cater to their wants, emotions, reactionary impulses, and needs to secure their attention.

  1. Images are much more effective than text. Everyone realizes this but we never pay attention to our reactions when we see something that grabs it. Visual data that is processed by our brains the most (that we remember the most) comes down to visuals, so anytime video or images are used, your chances of success increase.

Try to use unique and original shots that haven’t been seen a million times before. Our brains can process this understanding faster than we anticipate and yet again, our amygdala does the work before we are even aware. If you’re stuck for ideas, visit the Canvas website and create some fantastic creations of your own from plenty of templates and pre-made options.

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  1. Whenever our brains process people’s faces, we tend to remember and pay attention more often than not. The research that has been carried into this has stated that we developed the necessity to know who was a threat and who wasn’t, in order to build communities. Facial recognition was nature’s way of allowing us to survive certain situations. This works very closely to our amygdala, so no surprise that this is an unconscious reaction also.

When it comes to your marketing campaign and materials, you should seriously think about utilizing images or videos showing people’s faces (reputable or professional of course). Our brains automatically ensure we look wherever the faces are looking so remember to include your subscribe or calls to action directly opposite to where the image is facing.

  1. Research into neuroscience (and then neuromarketing) has allowed us to understand that people react to certain colors, in mostly the same ways. Color is one of the major components to setting how you feel about that new email, video, or product (with statistics showing number of 62 to 90 %!). Yellow is known to create anxiety or anxious feelings in the viewer, whereas blue allows the feeling to be more trusting towards whatever it is they see.

Red, on the other hand, creates a sudden sense of urgency, just to name a few colors. Don’t just choose colors in your marketing campaign “because you liked it” or “it was your favorite.” Really put some effort into understanding how different colors work on a psychological level. Do some test runs and find out what works best for your target demographic. By then, you will have a solid following simply because of the colors you decided to choose.

    1. Colors are not the only specific that can cause reactionary decisions in our brains. Names also have the ability to affect our reactions. Whatever something is called makes a great deal of difference, especially in your marketing campaigns. An example of this could be when a company found that calling their pasta ‘double-sized’, they sold less than when they had called it ‘regular.’

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  1. Our brains are wired to feel as if we belong somewhere. This is why there are many strong senses of community all over the world. Conforming to many things is one way of engaging in that feeling of belonging. If we are usually free to do what we want, most of the time we will copy someone else.

So when it comes to marketing, make sure that there are absolutely no anxious signals in there. Build up your social proof and make sure others can see it because if others have used you, then the majority will do the same. Roll out all those security and endorsement badges and install programs in order to validate that you are a trustworthy business and see how many people flock to you.

Being specific also works in your favor. People who conform don’t particularly enjoy vague descriptions and will want to know absolutely everything they can before purchasing your goods or services. Be detailed and try to use inclusive language, in order to make your readers feel welcome and happy.